We’re so excited to share that you can now find Technology In Early Childhood resources on Boom Learning and Teachers Pay Teachers! Over the last 7 months we’ve watched so many early childhood teachers forced into a remote learning model. We’ve seen the demand for digital activities like the kind we create here at Technology […]
Five Ways to Use the Camera On Your Classroom iPad
Using the camera on your classroom iPads So the camera on the classroom iPad is turning out to be one of the most useful features for us! It’s so easy to use, and so easy to share pictures that we’re turning to it more and more often. Here are five ways that we or other […]
Learn to Code for Teachers Part 3, or How I Spent My Summer Vacation
So this is the third and final installment in my Learn to Code: For Teachers series. See that stack of books in the picture above? That’s my stack of books, and I read them all this summer. I know, it’s not quite your average stack of of summer beach reads. It certainly isn’t what my summer reading […]
Great Books for Beginning Programmers
I tend to try to write mostly about issues related to using technology in preschool and kindergarten classrooms. That is after all, the title of this website. When I started this site however, another of my goals was to improve my teaching and my learning by reflecting on my own work. Right now, that work […]
Five Ways to get better at Twitter {even when you don’t really like it!}
There. I’ve said it. I really don’t like Twitter. I’ve tried to like it, but I don’t think it will ever be my favorite social media platform. On social media I respond well to two things: pictures and the written word. Twitter cuts me short in both areas: there are limited pictures and limited (like […]
My Radio Interview with Vicki Davis, aka the Cool Cat Teacher
A few months back, Vicki Davis (aka the Cool Cat Teacher) invited me to appear on her radio show/podcast, Every Classroom Matters. Of course I said yes! We taped the show back in April, and now finally in June, the episode we recorded is up on the Every Classroom Matters site. I’d love for you to […]
Books for Teaching With Technology In Preschool and Kindergarten Classrooms
Truth be told, I get most of my information about teaching with technology from technology based sources. I Google, I subscribe to blogs, and watch social media. I have however, found a few books about teaching with technology that I’ve purchased or added to my Amazon wishlist. Even though I love technology, I still love […]
An iPad Counting Activity for Preschool and Kindergarten
We recently added some creativity based apps to our classroom iPads. One of the apps I was most excited to try out was iDiary for Kids. This is an app that is designed for journaling for kids. We’ve used it that way, but I was also excited to expand its use a little bit. One […]
Apple Configurator Checklist
So I’m getting ready to configure my third round of iPads with Apple Configurator. This time I got smart and decided to be more organized by making myself an Apple Configurator Checklist. This checklist is a “pre-configuration checklist” designed to help you be ready to go through the actual process of configuring the iPads. I’m […]
Sharing Great Tech Stuff
So much of my traffic on this website comes from people who have shared my work with their readers and I am so grateful for that. First, I want to say a public thank you to some of my biggest sources of traffic over the last 9 months or so. Below are five great sites […]