A few months back, Vicki Davis (aka the Cool Cat Teacher) invited me to appear on her radio show/podcast, Every Classroom Matters. Of course I said yes! We taped the show back in April, and now finally in June, the episode we recorded is up on the Every Classroom Matters site. I’d love for you to go and check it out. Vicki and I talk about (of course) technology in early childhood. We talk about ways to use technology with young children and why, like I wrote about a few weeks ago, it really is possible for young children to use technology in a developmentally appropriate manner.
Here’s the interview on the BAM! radio site, and here it is directly on iTunes . Each new interview Vicki does lands at the top of her site. If you don’t see my smiling face at the top it just means she’s broadcast a few more shows since I posted this. Scroll down and look for the image below to choose how you’d like to hear the interview.
One of the things that I love about Vicki is that she is a real, practicing teacher. When we did the interview, she was talking about a group of students she’d been working with earlier in the day. She knows how teachers are always pressed for time, which is why her podcasts are just 10 minutes long. She has a whole library of broadcasts, on a whole range of topics. Even if you don’t teach technology, you’re bound to find something there you’d like to learn about!
That was a great interview you did with Vicki Davis. You really were able to share helpful ways for teachers and parents to use technology in a purposeful and meaningful manner that actually works with little ones. Great Job!