So this is the third and final installment in my Learn to Code: For Teachers series. See that stack of books in the picture above? That’s my stack of books, and I read them all this summer. I know, it’s not quite your average stack of of summer beach reads. It certainly isn’t what my summer reading […]
Great Books for Beginning Programmers
I tend to try to write mostly about issues related to using technology in preschool and kindergarten classrooms. That is after all, the title of this website. When I started this site however, another of my goals was to improve my teaching and my learning by reflecting on my own work. Right now, that work […]
Five Ways to get better at Twitter {even when you don’t really like it!}
There. I’ve said it. I really don’t like Twitter. I’ve tried to like it, but I don’t think it will ever be my favorite social media platform. On social media I respond well to two things: pictures and the written word. Twitter cuts me short in both areas: there are limited pictures and limited (like […]
Learn to code: For teachers
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how important I believe it is to teach children to code. My students are still really enjoying the coding apps I introduced them to. In particular, it’s turned into a fantastic supplemental activity for a few of our kids that were craving a little more challenge. Honestly, I don’t […]
Teaching Kids to Code: Preschool and Kindergarten
Talking about teaching kids to code has become trendy. It’s moving toward the mainstream. Creating opportunities to teach kids coding has become the “cool” thing to do in education. And I couldn’t be happier. This is a bandwagon that I’m excited to jump on! This morning I was looking at the Scratch Jr. Kickstarter page. […]
Teach a Preschooler to Code for “Hour of Code” Week? You Bet!
Truthfully, preschoolers don’t do anything for a whole hour, except maybe play. It’s just not developmentally appropriate to ask them to do anything for that long. Still, we did take some time this week to introduce the children to coding in honor of Computer Science Education Week’s Hour of Code event. And, they loved it! […]
Google Reader Alternatives
Did you hear the collective gasp across the internet last night? As blog readers around the internet settled in for the evening to read their blogs on Google Reader, they were informed that things were about to change. Google announced that it would be closing Google Reader as of July 1, 2013. What’s more, there […]