I always hate it when bloggers start a post with, “It’s been forever since I posted anything!” Because the truth is, I never notice, and wouldn’t have noticed if they hadn’t pointed it out to me. I could say the same thing here: “It’s been forever since I’ve published anything!” But number one, I […]
Developmentally Appropriate Practices and Technology In Early Childhood
Perhaps I made an error when naming this website. I think the name freaks early childhood educators out a little bit. I imagine their thinking goes something like this, “Technology?? In Early Childhood?? What kind of developmentally appropriate practices heresy is this?? ‘Technology’ can’t be ‘developmentally appropriate.’ Those two phrases don’t belong in the same […]
Teaching Kids to Code: Preschool and Kindergarten
Talking about teaching kids to code has become trendy. Â It’s moving toward the mainstream. Creating opportunities to teach kids coding has become the “cool” thing to do in education. And I couldn’t be happier. This is a bandwagon that I’m excited to jump on! This morning I was looking at the Scratch Jr. Kickstarter page. […]
Technology In Early Childhood: One Year Anniversary
One Year Anniversary! It was as I was watching the Super Bowl last year that I first dreamed up the idea for this website. We’d just gotten our classroom iPads. Â I’d googled excessively trying to get ideas for using iPads in early childhood classrooms, and I’d come up with very little. Â I knew there had […]
Sharing Great Tech Stuff
So much of my traffic on this website comes from people who have shared my work with their readers and I am so grateful for that. Â First, I want to say a public thank you to some of my biggest sources of traffic over the last 9 months or so. Below are five great sites […]
Just how much should we lock up our student ipads?
As we get ready to make our big ipad purchase, and as a result, start to configure them for student use, I’ve been thinking about how much access we want our students to have to the ipad. Â I’ve seen some covers that advertise the fact that they cover the “home” button so students can’t get […]
I Went to iPad School!
A co-worker and I attended an iPad conference yesterday. My co-worker called it “iPad School.” I like that term, so I adopted it. Â There was so much information to soak up! My biggest take away was a greater understanding of all of the ways we can take the ipad to the next level, and use […]