After I tried using a stylus with my students when they worked on their journals on the iPad, I knew I needed to round up enough so that I could have several students writing at once. I wanted the best stylus for the best price. As I started looking for more stylus options, particularly paying attention […]
I Went to iPad School!
A co-worker and I attended an iPad conference yesterday. My co-worker called it “iPad School.” I like that term, so I adopted it. Â There was so much information to soak up! My biggest take away was a greater understanding of all of the ways we can take the ipad to the next level, and use […]
Journaling on the ipad with Pre-Schoolers
Each day the kids in our class make a “Play Plan.” They decide what they want to play with, draw a picture of it, and write it down. We pulled this idea from the Tools of the Mind curriculum, based on some of Vygotzky’s research. One of the things we love about doing things […]